Welcome to St. Matthew's Sensory Suite!
"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Thank you for visiting our Sensory Suite. These are suggested activities* for each of the scripture stations.
Jesus Calms the Storm
Sensory Suggestions:
Scripture wall writing: use the sequin frame to write scripture
Hug or smell pillows or stuffed animals
Lay in the “boat” (play couch)
Look at the blue wave light
Color change touch light
The Sheep and the Goats
Sensory Suggestions:
Felt sheep activity on the tray table
Hug the stuffed lamb
Zen garden
Use the play couch as a crash pad for vestibular and proprioceptive input
Jesus is Tested
Sensory Suggestions:
Desert Zen Garden
Prayer Station for interoception-reflect on scripture
Desert sensory dough kit
Rock on the love seat with the weighted blanket
Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
Sensory Suggestions:
Arrange the wooden stones around the rose lights or change the lights
Sit on the pillow stones with a weighted blanket
Smell the rubbing stones (campfire scented essential oil)
Fidget toys
Color change touch light