
United Women In faith

The United Women in Faith of St. Matthews gather to support one another as we work in children’s and women’s ministries in the name of Jesus Christ. We support ministries on the local, national and global levels and have fun doing it.

We are part of a global United Methodist Women’s organization. Check out for more information.

Some of our projects include:

  • a reading program to encourage critical thinking as we inform ourselves about issues that surround us
  • creating birthing kits to help women all over the world survive childbirth
  • gathering school supplies to support our neighborhood families
  • providing scholarships for our children as they enter college and trade school.
  • training in mission and leadership
  • advocating for women’s and children’s causes at legislative events
  • support for the Battered Women’s and Children’s Shelter
  • support for the Wesley Health and Wellness Center
  • support for the Family Violence Prevention Center
  • support for the Children’s Shelter
  • support for Magdalena House
  • during the Christmas season, we collect red dresses (and red shirts for boys) for the children of the Children’s Shelter to wear during special occasions.

We meet in a church wide gathering on occasion but we also meet in smaller groups called “Circles”. The circles form a close knit family type of environment where we can pray, eat, learn and grow together in our faith.

Our current circles are:

Eve – meets on 4th Thursdays at 7p
Lydia – meets on 3rd Thursdays at 11:30a
Sarah – meets on 3rd Saturdays at 11:30a
Book Nook – meets on 3rd Wednesdays at 11:30a

For more information contact the church office.