
Prayer Calendar

In addition to our normal individual prayer practices, St. Matthew’s joins together to pray for these specific items on a regular basis.  


Pray for our bishop and the cabinet. These men and women support our churches and clergy as well as supervising the work of the Rio Texas Conference in ministry.


Pray for the community surrounding the church as well as those items people write on our public prayer board. This is the area where we are called to serve.


Pray for St. Matthew’s staff and ministries. Pray for wisdom for all our church leaders and pray that those who are touched by these ministries might experience the grace of God.


Pray for things you see in the news both global and local. Especially pray for the people effected by the storms, policies and events you learn about. If there are people who are hurting, pray for guidance of how you can help.


Pray for our local schools. Specifically, pray for the teachers who will connect with our children and youth on a daily basis. Pray for the administrators and other support staff in the schools. The district offices are located very near the church, so pray for those at work in the district and the support staffs like the security department and the bus drivers.


Pray for our small groups, that each member will be supported and encouraged to grow.


Pray for each person who will worship either in person or on-line. Pray for the worship leaders, the music team, the tech team, the hospitality team as each plays a part when we come together to honor God in worship.

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up, and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.

How to pray

  • Find a time each day to focus only on God for a few minutes.
  • Tell God what concerns you and what you are happy about. Perhaps you keep a list of things you want to pray about during your day.
  • Include things you are thankful for.
  • Include your feelings toward God. It isn’t wrong to be angry with God. The Psalms are filled with angry prayers. If you are happy with God, this is called praise.
  • Pray for yourself, your family, and others you care deeply about.
  • Do you feel guilty about something? This is a sign you might need to pray for forgiveness and perhaps follow up with another person who you have hurt.
  • Include a time of silence where you simply listen. It might seem strange or difficult just to be quiet and to quiet your mind, but this is part of prayer too.
  • Perhaps you need to be doing something with your hands while you pray. Feel free to color, draw, crochet, use prayer beads or anything else that helps you pray with your hands.

To download a printable version of the prayer calendar, please click here.